Pictures taken by Tom Elgas on 6 January 2009.

The buffet for the Awards Ceremony...
... which included a dessert!
Steve Fox and Cy Yehros
Rocky Kaya and Sam Orandle
Jeff Burdsall and Larry Keating
Bob Haskell and Glen Arnold
Steve Diano and Paul Franks
Bob Sahagian and Greg Adamavich
Dennis McFarlin and Tony Anton
Jason Lee and Lou Brooks
Heather and her Server of the Year trophy
Glen Arnold, 4th place
Steve Diano, 5th place
Bob Sahagian, 7th place
Greg Adamavich, 9th place
Jason Lee, 3rd place
Sam Orandle, 10th place
Tony Anton, 2nd place
Dennis McFarlin, 6th place
Cy Yehros, 1st place -- Player of the Year
Larry Keating, 8th place
Don Dillingham and Stuart MacGuire